Custom Sandblasted Wooden Signs: From Design to Finished Product

Custom Sandblasted Wooden Signs: From Design to Finished Product

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When businesses want a sign that is not only functional but genuinely beautiful, they turn to the power of sandblasting. This technique highlights the skills and expertise required to make custom signage. Intricate designs are carefully carved from wood and brought to life with bold paint colors or natural finishes.

At Amazing Signs, the process behind making custom sandblasted wood signs in Florida is phenomenal. It combines artistry with quality craftsmanship. Here, we’ll explore how they are developed, covering the entire process, from design and fabrication to installation of signs.

Customizing Sandblasted Wooden Signs

Wondering if a sandblasted sign can integrate with your original ideas? These signs are highly customizable, allowing businesses and professional sign makers to embrace innovation. Below are a few examples of how these signs can be personalized:

  • Business Branding: Incorporating a brand’s logo and word mark is part of the basic designing process in signage. We create exact stencils that match your brand identity to add these components to signs during the sandblasting process.
  • Wood Type: Western red cedar and redwood are commonly used for sandblasted signs, but each wood has its distinct color and texture, which influences the sign’s completed look.
  • Size and Shape: Sandblasted signs can be crafted in any size or shape, depending on a client’s needs and preferences.
  • Colors and Finishes: Complete these attractive signs by selecting from a wide range of vibrant paint colors or highlight the natural beauty of wood with a clear primer.

How Businesses Use Sandblasted Wooden Signs

Not only are sandblasted signs attractive, but they are also effective communication tools used for marketing. Explore some of the ways businesses use these signs:

  • Storefront signs
  • Post and panel signs
  • Hanging signs
  • Wall signs
  • Address plaques

Design: Determining Function and Vision

The design stage is an exciting opportunity to meet with experienced signage professionals and unleash creativity. During this phase, the type of sign is selected, and its look and purpose are finalized.

Get an overview of our custom design process:

  • Outlining a Sign’s Intention: When clients meet our signage experts for consultation, the first step is understanding a sign’s purpose. Whether the sign will be used for branding or wayfinding, this step helps designers determine the information to be included on the sign.
  • Choosing Materials: Most wooden sandblasted signs are made from clear-grade lumber, such as cedar or redwood. The selected material will influence the sign’s final look as the wood’s natural grain will be revealed during the sandblasting process.
  • Selecting the Size and Shape: The size and shape of a sandblasted wooden sign will play a critical role in the project’s turnaround time. Larger signs and custom shapes will take longer to complete because individual wooden boards must be attached and shaped accordingly.

Once the client has finalized and approved these details, the manufacturing – and sandblasting – can begin.

Manufacturing: Where Quality and Craftsmanship Come Together

Manufacturing custom sandblasted wooden signs involves artistry and expertise. Compared to other forms of signage, there is a unique process behind creating these signs. Sandblasting must be done by an accomplished sign maker to achieve the desired effect.

Let’s explore the manufacturing process in detail:

  • Using a Planer: A planer is a woodworking tool that removes the rough grain from boards and ensures each piece has the same thickness. After running the boards through the planer, they will be attached with joints and wood glue.
  • Creating and Applying the Stencil: A stencil with the sign’s custom design is made from rubber or adhesive vinyl, such as the Hartco SandMask series. The stencil will guide sign makers to create depth and dimensionality during the sandblasting process.
  • Sandblasting the Sign’s Design: Pressurized air and sand is directed through a ceramic nozzle at the wooden sign board. While following the stencil’s design, signage professionals must carefully guide the nozzle over the signboard at the correct speed and distance. This process can take varying amounts of time depending on the size and complexity of the sign. However, it must be done correctly to obtain a uniform depth through the sign.
  • Finishing the Sign: Once sandblasting is completed and the stencil is removed, the sign is sealed with several coats of primer and paint, depending on the client’s preferences. Vibrant paints can enhance a sign’s visibility, but some companies prefer using a clear primer to emphasize the rustic appearance of these wooden signs.

Installation: Our Seamless Approach

Amazing Signs is a full-service sign company, meaning we oversee the development of your sign from consultation to installation.

Our professional signage experts help you install these signs efficiently. We ensure your sign is visible and secure to attract customers to your location.

Learn more about our installation process below:

  • Exterior Signs: Amazing Signs will obtain all the necessary permits for installing your sandblasted sign. Whether you have selected a post and panel sign or a hanging sign, we install it with precision to provide years of service.
  • Interior Signs: Sandblasted wooden signs can function as lobby signs, wall signs, or hanging signs for indoor purposes. Our team will place your sign in an ideal location to enhance your interior design strategy and help you build a powerful brand identity.

Unlock the Benefits of Custom Sandblasted Wooden Signs

These signs offer many benefits to businesses, such as:

  • Visually Appealing: Sandblasted signs have a distinctive and timeless look. Their depth and dimensionality create an eye-catching design that is impossible for passersby to ignore. Businesses seeking a premium signage solution that will stand out from the competition should strongly consider these signs.
  • High-quality and Long-lasting: These wooden signs must be made from clear-grade lumber, which is resistant to warping and checking. Protective primers and finishes also ensure their longevity. As time passes, they require little maintenance other than routine cleaning. If you need a durable and long-lasting signage solution, sandblasted signs are the answer.
  • Versatile for Many Business Purposes: Whether a business wants to amplify its branding, improve wayfinding, or display its address, these signs can do it all. Contact Amazing Signs today to learn more about the uses of sandblasted signs.

Contact Amazing Signs for Premium Sandblasted Wooden Signs

Bring your original vision to the team at Amazing Signs, and we will turn it into a reality. Our local sign company in Tampa, FL, sees signs as a meaningful way to connect businesses to their target market. Our dedicated professionals take the time to understand our client’s needs and offer tailored solutions supported by our signage products.

Our custom sandblasted wooden signs are a stunning addition to any business. From enhancing a storefront’s design to reflecting a company’s identity, these signs are truly like works of art.

Our team will guide you through the entire process of creating your sandblasted sign, from consultation to installation.

To set your project in motion, give us a call and book your consultation today

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